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Passionate Journal Writers 

KIC the Globe (KTG) is an autonomous organization of Kyunghee University International Studies College. KTG consists of student writers who create English literature journals, card news, and columns. We are passionate about providing our readers with a complex and balanced view of global issues.

KIC 더 글로브(KTG)는 경희대학교 국제학부의 자치기구입니다. KTG는 영문학술지, 카드뉴스, 칼럼 등을 제작하는 학생 필진으로 구성되어 있습니다. KTG 부원들은 글로벌 이슈에 대한 복잡하고 균형 잡힌 시각을 독자들에게 제공하는데 진심입니다.

24-1 Members


So Yeon An
Jong Hyun Lee
Su Min Kim
Ji Won Lim
Seung Yeon Han
Hyo Jeong Ko
Soo Ji Nam
Min Seo Kim
Hyung Jun Kim
Da Yeon Jeong
Ji Won Jung
Se Jung Lee
Seung Bin Wi
Ga Eun Lee
Ju Hyun Jung
Do Hyun Kim
Ye Ri Choi

Editor in Cheif

Jun Gyu Park

Deputy Editor in Cheif

Min Jae Kim

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